For Brokers & Consultants

Employee communication that works

About Your Benefits provides Benefit Statements and Personalized Communication Services for clients throughout the U.S. We are frequently introduced by regional or local benefits brokers that are accessible to the client and who function as our marketing partner for such participation in communication projects.

Our sole mission is to provide employee communication for our clients. In order to avoid overlap of services, and to maintain the best possible partnering relationship with brokers and benefit consultants, we do not provide any placement of insurance or benefits consulting for clients other than this specific employee communication function.

Our process is proven effective and has been tested on hundreds of highly satisfied clients. Our staff is experienced and sensitive to your needs as well as those of your client.

About Your Benefits Will:

  • Review all of your client’s benefits and recommend content for their Total Compensation Statement.
  • Draft statement text for your client to review.
  • Interface with your client, their IS department, or third parties to secure the data required.
  • Program all calculations required.
  • Process, produce, finish, and distribute Benefit Statements per your client’s requirements.
  • Provide your client with a Management Report detailing individual statements and summarizing information.

Our pricing and actual printed samples of Benefit Statements will be provided when you request additional information.

For Brokers & Consultants. About You Benefits, Inc.

Total compensation communication

Provide your clients with Employee Benefit Statements

When you offer your clients Benefit Statements from About Your Benefits, you:

  • Offer an opportunity to enhance employee understanding and appreciation for the value of their organization’s total compensation package.
  • Provide an important value-added service to your regular service offering, without increasing staff or investing in software and technology to prove this specialized communication.
  • Participate in the goodwill this communication exercise generates from employees, which reflects well on your client.
  • Enhance client retention, since statements are typically renewed annually.
  • Have the option to increase your revenue stream through the commissions available from About Your Benefits to marketing partners.

Improving employees’ recognition of the value of their “hidden paycheck” provides your clients with an improved return on their investment in employee benefits. When you request additional information we will rush you fee and commission schedules and provide samples of statements you may offer your clients to improve their employees’ awareness of these financially significant portions of their total compensation.

benefits are a large share of any employer’s investment in human capital. Improving the return on that investment is the principlE we seek on your client’s behalf!

Most employers offer a wide range of benefits beyond basic pay that are intended to protect employees and their families from common life events that may threaten their financial security. Surveys confirm that many employees have little awareness of the value of these benefits as part of their total compensation!

It’s your client – You call the shots!

About Your Benefits offers flexible working arrangements that permit you to stay as involved as you wish in the process. We usually are introduced to a client and assume all project management responsibilities. However, we are equally comfortable working in partnership with third parties who wish to provide a continuing client interface throughout a project.

Normally, we will execute a service agreement with the client and bill them directly. Any commissions payable would be paid to you directly by About Your Benefits.


You may represent your client and execute a signed agreement. We will then bill your organization for client services and credit any commission due against these charges.


We will gladly work with you on any arrangement that appropriately addresses your special relationship with your clients.

recommended broker support services and resources

Business Insurance Magazine

Business Insurance serves executives who are responsible for the purchase and administration of corporate insurance/self-insurance programs, encompassing both property and liability insurance and employee benefit programs, including life, health, and pensions.

Employee Benefit ADVISER Magazine

This is the leading business publication for employee benefits professionals. Get insider tips for understanding client needs and strategies to create and maintain employer partnerships with employers who have become increasingly cautious with their benefit dollars.

Advent Information Services

Advent provides employee benefit professionals with affordable client newsletters that will not only enhance their relationships with existing clients but also help identify potential new clients. A client newsletter can be one of the most cost-effective marketing tools available.

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